.NET DevOps Revolution : Flexibility and Quality Control with Docker's Adaptive Arsenal - Techorama 2024

Let's see how we can bring flexibility, stability and control to our DevOps pipelines by using Docker to containerize our build and quality tasks.

Update an old self-installed Oh My Posh version to a version from the Windows store and get it working

I had a way old self installed version from Oh My Posh, and I wanted to update it to the Windows Store version. Here's how I did it.

Breaking a Monolith Data Import into Azure Logic Apps Quickly - Meetup & Techorama Presentation

Want a real world example of making Azure Logic Apps and existing applications work together to simply import data from files?

Quickstart Fancy Editors & Powershell Terminal with Ligatures, Oh My Posh & Terminal Icons

A quick guide with commands to get up and running quickly with Oh My Posh, Terminal Icons & Ligatures to have a fancy code editor and Powershell terminal experience

Introduction to Azure DevOps - Meetup Webinar

An introductionary overview of what Azure DevOps has to offer, with some examples

Custom 404 pages in ASP.NET Core for routes and static files

Back in February I wrote a post about how to deliver 404 pages while immediately dealing out the correct status message for ASP.NET applications. I gave a hint about ASP.NET Core and have improved my solution since. So, let’s call this post a follow-up in a trilogy of posts.

The absolute proper way to do 404 pages in ASP.Net MVC

Websites and webservices should return the proper HTTP status codes as response to requests, along with the possible proper body. When you’re a using ASP.Net MVC web application it can be a little tricky because of a configuration quirk I quite dislike and didn’t find much info about. They improved this practice immensely in ASP.Net Core web applications. So, I want to make this post to clear it up and get it all in one nice explanation and solution.

Serving other content in ASP.Net Response

You want to generate a file or serve a document other than HTML out of ASP.Net and want to give it all the correct headers and filename in the response? It requires only a few lines to get it done.

Living with illness

It now has been a year since I have fallen ill with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). It has been a rough ride already, but everything is looking very positive!

Perform Javascript from codebehind with RegisterStartupScript

A piece of javascript can be formed within codebehind and registered to run after the page has loaded.